Friday, March 31, 2006
Sauoivat lännestä - The two Sauoiva fells from west

At the end of March, in the evening sun, the two Sauoiva fells - Sauoiva proper to the right, Little Sauoiva in the middle - are seen clearly.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Kotkat kaartelevat / Eagles are hovering
30.3.06 havaitsimme maakotkaparin kaartelevan Ainijärven vartion SE-puolella klo 11.40. Linnut siirtyivät lounaan suuntaan. Opiskelijatytöt havaitsivat yksinäisen kotkan lentävän Hirvasjoen W-puolella päivän aikana. Myös vapaille menevät tutkijapojat havaitsivat kotkaparin Martinkylän kohdalla komeasti kaartelevan klo 17. jälkeen. TH
30.3.06 we saw a pair of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) hovering to the south-east from the boarder guard station Ainijärvi at 11.40 o'clock. The birds were moving to the south-west. Student girls saw a lonely Golden Eagle flying to the west from Hirvasjoki. Also our scientist boys noticed a pair of them above the village Martti hovering beautifully after 17. o'clock.
30.3.06 мы видели пару орлов-беркутов, круживших на небе на юго-восток от пограничной станций Аиниярви в 11.40 ч. Птици двигались на юго-запад. Студенты-девушки обнаружили одинокого беркута на западной стороне реки Хирвасйоки. Наши ребятя-исследователи заметили пару, которые красиво парили над деревнью Мартинкюля, когда они ездили в выходные после 17. ч.
30.3.06 we saw a pair of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) hovering to the south-east from the boarder guard station Ainijärvi at 11.40 o'clock. The birds were moving to the south-west. Student girls saw a lonely Golden Eagle flying to the west from Hirvasjoki. Also our scientist boys noticed a pair of them above the village Martti hovering beautifully after 17. o'clock.
30.3.06 мы видели пару орлов-беркутов, круживших на небе на юго-восток от пограничной станций Аиниярви в 11.40 ч. Птици двигались на юго-запад. Студенты-девушки обнаружили одинокого беркута на западной стороне реки Хирвасйоки. Наши ребятя-исследователи заметили пару, которые красиво парили над деревнью Мартинкюля, когда они ездили в выходные после 17. ч.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Sulava tykkymänty - Snow is melting on Scots pine

Is the winter giving up? This Scots pine has been fully covered by heavy snow. The sun has already managed to melt some snow on the southern side of the tree. The tree is growing on Varrio III fell; behind to the left you can see the Nuortti fell
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Loppumaalista ykkösellä - End of March on Varrio Fell1

Lisää loppumaaliskuun kuvia.
At the end of March the sun can shine brightly.
More end of March photos.
Taviokuurnat laulavat - Pine grosbeaks singing
Joukko (5-10 kpl) taviokuurnia (Pinicola enucleator) laulaa luritteli kiihkeästi Värriö ykkösen pohjoisrinteen kuusikossa, aurinkoisessa maaliskuun säässä. Taviokuurna on Värriön ensimmäinen kevään laululintu. Tänä vuonnakin Teuvo Hietajärvi havaitsi sen jo helmikuussa (14.2.2006). Maaliskuun kiihkeästä laulusta huolimatta taviokuurnalla on tuskin vielä pesää, se kun ei osaa vuorata pesäänsä yökylmiä vastaan niin kuin käpylinnut.
Pine grosbeaks (Pinicola enucleator) (group of 5-10) were singing in the spruces of the northern slope of Varrio one. The weather was bright sunny, but cold - as it can be in the end of March. Pine grosbeak is the first singing migratory bird in Varrio. The first specimen of 2006 was seen already on 14 February. Despite of passionate singing the pine grosbeaks hardly make their nests yet, as they do not insulate their nests against cold similarly as the crossbils do.
Pine grosbeaks (Pinicola enucleator) (group of 5-10) were singing in the spruces of the northern slope of Varrio one. The weather was bright sunny, but cold - as it can be in the end of March. Pine grosbeak is the first singing migratory bird in Varrio. The first specimen of 2006 was seen already on 14 February. Despite of passionate singing the pine grosbeaks hardly make their nests yet, as they do not insulate their nests against cold similarly as the crossbils do.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Käpyjen keräys Värriössä - Sampling of Scots pine cones in Varrio

One of the regular observation series in Varrio Research Station is the sampling of Scots pine (in the photo) and Norway spruce cones. For the purpose 50 pines and 50 spruces have been numbered and all the cones are collected for further studies.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sauoiva maaliskuussa - Sauoiva in March

March photos in Varrio: Sauoiva fell behind the forest that has been freed from the heavy mid-winter snow.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Härkätunturi maaliskuussa - Harkatunturi fell in March

March photos from Varrio: Harkatunturi fell as photographed from southwestern slope of Varrio two.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Ykköseltä länteen - West of Varrio one
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Iso Leimaaja outamännikössä - Big Logger in heavy snow forest

When the heavy snow melts away from the Varrio young Scots pine forests the signs of Big Logger become more visible. When entire trees fall down to the snow also the lichens on the upper brances become available to the reindeers (note plenty of lichen in the tree to the right of the broken stem).
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Pikkukäppäri pitkästä aikaa - Common crossbill after a long time
Tänään aamulla kuulin pikkukäpylinnun ääntä asemalla. Iltapäivällä koiraspikkukäppäri oli etsimässä ilmeisesti kalkkia aseman savupiipusta. Isokäpylintupari oli myös samalla asialla, kuten usein viime päivinä. Pienempi versio sai odottaa omaa vuoroaan. Edellinen pikkukäpylintuhavainto on marraskuun alusta. TH
Today in the morning I heard the voice of Common crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) by the station. Afternoon male crossbill was obviously searching lime of the chimney of the station. A pair of Parrot crossbills (Loxia pytyopsittacus) was also doing the same, like often in the previous days. The smaller bird was forced to wait for his turn. The previous observation of the Common crossbill was from the beginning of November.
Сегодня утром 22.3. я слышал звук клеста-еловика на станций. Во второй половине дня искал самец еловика наверно известь из дымовой трубы станций. Пара клестов-сосновиков делала то же дело, как часто в прошлие дни. Маленькая версия была принуждена подождать свою очередь. Предыдущее наблюдение еловика была в начале ноября.
Today in the morning I heard the voice of Common crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) by the station. Afternoon male crossbill was obviously searching lime of the chimney of the station. A pair of Parrot crossbills (Loxia pytyopsittacus) was also doing the same, like often in the previous days. The smaller bird was forced to wait for his turn. The previous observation of the Common crossbill was from the beginning of November.
Сегодня утром 22.3. я слышал звук клеста-еловика на станций. Во второй половине дня искал самец еловика наверно известь из дымовой трубы станций. Пара клестов-сосновиков делала то же дело, как часто в прошлие дни. Маленькая версия была принуждена подождать свою очередь. Предыдущее наблюдение еловика была в начале ноября.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sauoiva tykyn takaa - Sauoiva fell behind heavy snow
Monday, March 20, 2006
Maaliskuun kiloa Värriö kolmosella
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Teuvo Hietajärvi Ylinuortilla
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Ylinuorttia ylävirtaan
Ylinuorttia alavirtaan
Friday, March 17, 2006
Nuorttitunturi Värriö kolmoselta - Nuortti fell from Varrio III

March photos from Varrio: Nuortti fell from Varrio III.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Kevättä ilmassa / Spring in the air
Tänään ilmaantui punatulkkupari lintulaudalle. Viherpeippoja on myös tullut talvehtineen parin seuraksi, tänään niitä oli 5 yksilöä. Illalla klo 19 jälkeen tyvenessä illassa kevään tuoksuessa pulisi hiiripöllö soidintaan Kuntashaaran suunnalla. TH
Today 15.3. became a pair of Bullfinches (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) to our feeding place. More Greenfinches (Carduelis chloris) have also joined the pair, which spend the winter here. Today there were 5 birds. And after 19. o'clock in the silent evening, in fragrance of the spring, I heard a Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) giving his mating calls in the direction of the river Kuntashaara.
Вчера 15.3. появилась пара снегиров на кормушке. И больше стали зеленушек, составили компанию паре, которая перезимовала здесь. Сегодня их было 5 птиц. И вечером после 19.ч., в тихий, ароматный весенный вечер, я слышал бульканье ястребийной совы, как звук токования со стороны реки Кунтасхаара.
Today 15.3. became a pair of Bullfinches (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) to our feeding place. More Greenfinches (Carduelis chloris) have also joined the pair, which spend the winter here. Today there were 5 birds. And after 19. o'clock in the silent evening, in fragrance of the spring, I heard a Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) giving his mating calls in the direction of the river Kuntashaara.
Вчера 15.3. появилась пара снегиров на кормушке. И больше стали зеленушек, составили компанию паре, которая перезимовала здесь. Сегодня их было 5 птиц. И вечером после 19.ч., в тихий, ароматный весенный вечер, я слышал бульканье ястребийной совы, как звук токования со стороны реки Кунтасхаара.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Sotajoki maaliskuussa
Monday, March 13, 2006
Lattuna-aapa maaliskuussa
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Naarasteeri Kemihaarassa
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Urosteeeri Kemihaarassa
Friday, March 10, 2006
Heinäsorsia riistakolmiolla / Mallards on the line
Kiertäessäni riistakolmiota tänään 10.3. klo 13. katsoin tarkasti Hirvasjoen latvalammin joenniskan sulapaikan - ja sorsaparihan siellä uiskenteli. Kiikarilla totesin toisen heinäsorsanaaraaksi, ja samassa ne jo ponnahtivat ilmojen teille n. 60 m päästä. TH
When I was skiing today 10.3. by the route, where we count game animals, I watched carefully a not frozen place on the river by a little lake called Hirvasjoen latvalampi at 13. o'clock. There I saw a swimming pair of Mallards. With binocles I verified one of them female, and at the very moment they already jumped to the airways about 60 m from me.
Когда я сегодня 10.3. катался на лыжах по маршруту, на котором мы считаем дичь, я четко проверил место открытой воды в реке рядом с маленьким озером Хирвасйоен латвалампи - и заметил пару крякв в воде. Через бинокл я утвердил, что одна из них была самка, и вдруг они уже вскочились на путь воздуха на расстоянии ок. 60 м от меня.
When I was skiing today 10.3. by the route, where we count game animals, I watched carefully a not frozen place on the river by a little lake called Hirvasjoen latvalampi at 13. o'clock. There I saw a swimming pair of Mallards. With binocles I verified one of them female, and at the very moment they already jumped to the airways about 60 m from me.
Когда я сегодня 10.3. катался на лыжах по маршруту, на котором мы считаем дичь, я четко проверил место открытой воды в реке рядом с маленьким озером Хирвасйоен латвалампи - и заметил пару крякв в воде. Через бинокл я утвердил, что одна из них была самка, и вдруг они уже вскочились на путь воздуха на расстоянии ок. 60 м от меня.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Värriön rantasauna
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Näädän parijälki pehmeässä lumessa - Paired track of Pine marten

Pehmässä lumessa näädän pariloikasta jää hankeen säännöllinen jälkinauha. Toinen jälki on lähes kokonaan toisen etupuolella. Askelen (loikan) pituus on 50-70 cm. Kuva Värriö ykkösen ja Rakitsan välisestä kurusta.
In soft snow the paired jump of Pine marten (Martes martes) leaves a regular track. One step of the pair is almost fully in front of the other. The length of the jump is between 50-70 cm. The photo is from the valley between Varrio one and Rakitsa hill.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Tikat rummuttavat / Woodpeckers are drumming
4-5.3. kuulin tikkojen rummutusta Hirvasjoen takana. Ainakin 3 eri tikkaa oli äänessä, niistä yksi käpytikka, muista ei tietoa. TH
4-5.3. I heard woodpeckers drumming behind Hirvasjoki-river. There were at least 3 different woodpeckers drumming, one of them Great Spotted Woodpecker, about the others I didn't know the species.
Я слышал дятелей барабанить за рекой Хирвасйоки 4-5.3. По крайней мере 3 различных дятелей барабанили там, один из них большой пестрый дятель, о других вида не знаю.
4-5.3. I heard woodpeckers drumming behind Hirvasjoki-river. There were at least 3 different woodpeckers drumming, one of them Great Spotted Woodpecker, about the others I didn't know the species.
Я слышал дятелей барабанить за рекой Хирвасйоки 4-5.3. По крайней мере 3 различных дятелей барабанили там, один из них большой пестрый дятель, о других вида не знаю.
Sunday, March 05, 2006

Kuntas canyon photos: two Scots pines in shining sun light.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Kuusi Kuntaskurussa - Norway spruce in Kuntas canyon
Friday, March 03, 2006
Värriön tukikohta maaliskuussa - Research base in March

In the beginning of March the winter in Varrio Research Station is already in full snow.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Sorsia Tuntsajoella / Ducks on the river Tuntsajoki
Rajavartijat Juha Gröötilä ja Teemu Siivola käväisivät asemalla kertomassa nähneensä kolme heinäsorsaa Tuntsajoen latvalla tänään 2.3. Ne olivat nousseet moottorikelkkoja karkuun joen sulapaikasta. Totesimme paikan samaksi, missä olimme nähneet kolme heinäsorsaa myös 90-luvun alussa helmikuulla. Näistä linnuista ainakin yksi oli koiras. Toivottavasti nämä välttävät lintuinfluenssan, kun eivät ole lähteneet muuttomatkalle. TH
The boarder guards Juha Gröötilä and Teemu Siivola visited our station, and told us, that they had seen tree Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) on the upper flow of the river Tuntsajoki today 2.3. The ducks had escaped the snow-scooters from the open water of the river. We noticed, that the place was the same, where we saw also tree Mallards on february on the beginning of nineties. At least one of these birds today was male. We hope, that these birds will avoid the bird influenza, because they have not migrated to the south.
Пограничники Юха Гроотила и Теему Сиивола посетили станцию и рассказали, что увидели трех кряквы на верховье реки Тунтса сегодня 2.3. Они убежали от снегоходов из воды реки. Мы заметили, что это место то же, где мы увидели тоже трех кряквы в начале 90-летия. По крайней мере один из этих был самец. Надеемся, что эти птицы избежат птичий грипп, т.к. не отлетели на юг.
The boarder guards Juha Gröötilä and Teemu Siivola visited our station, and told us, that they had seen tree Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) on the upper flow of the river Tuntsajoki today 2.3. The ducks had escaped the snow-scooters from the open water of the river. We noticed, that the place was the same, where we saw also tree Mallards on february on the beginning of nineties. At least one of these birds today was male. We hope, that these birds will avoid the bird influenza, because they have not migrated to the south.
Пограничники Юха Гроотила и Теему Сиивола посетили станцию и рассказали, что увидели трех кряквы на верховье реки Тунтса сегодня 2.3. Они убежали от снегоходов из воды реки. Мы заметили, что это место то же, где мы увидели тоже трех кряквы в начале 90-летия. По крайней мере один из этих был самец. Надеемся, что эти птицы избежат птичий грипп, т.к. не отлетели на юг.