Monday, July 21, 2008
Niittykirvinen Värriötunturissa - Meadow pipit on Varrio fells
Niittykirvinen on Värriötuntureiden harvoja varpuslintuja. Tunturinummi ylhäällä huippujen tienoilla lienee niittykirviselle niityn (tai kedon) korvike. Tämä yksilö istuu Värriö ykkösen laelle, tietoliikennetorniin menevällä, vaijerilla tuetulla sähköjohdolla.
Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis) is one of the few Passerines on Varrio fells. The open upper parts of the fells apparently resemble the "meadows" of its original areas of occurrence. This bird sits on the electric wire which goes to the radio communication tower of Varrio one.
Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis) is one of the few Passerines on Varrio fells. The open upper parts of the fells apparently resemble the "meadows" of its original areas of occurrence. This bird sits on the electric wire which goes to the radio communication tower of Varrio one.