Monday, April 07, 2008
Lumikuuroja idästä - Snow showers from east
Maanantaina ilma kirkastui, mutta auringonpaisteen väliin tuli sakeasti lunta idästä. Sieltä päin tulevat keväiset lumikuurot ovat Värriössä harvinainen säätyyppi. Kuva Värriö kakkosen rinteeltä klo 13.
On Monday morning the weather cleared up, but occasionally strong snow showers were coming with the eastern wind. This type of weather is rather exceptional in Varrio Nature Reserve. The photo was taken on the slope of Varrio II, at 1 pm.
On Monday morning the weather cleared up, but occasionally strong snow showers were coming with the eastern wind. This type of weather is rather exceptional in Varrio Nature Reserve. The photo was taken on the slope of Varrio II, at 1 pm.