Sunday, April 22, 2007
Hyvien hiukkasten päivä - Day of good aerosols
Koko päivän pilvetön, huhtikuun aurinkoa porottava sunnuntai oli hyvien hiukkasten päivä. Kotovaaran männikkö alkoi työntämään metsikköilmaan aerosoleja puolilta päivin. Se näkyy tyypillisenä, punaisena iltapäivän banaanikuvana Smear-aseman mittauksissa (edellisen päivän vastaava kuva on aina näkyvissä verkossa; kuva vaihtuu seuraavana aamuna) .
The whole Sunday of late April was sunny, mild and cloudless throughout the day. It was a very good day for the formation of good aerosols. The event was on inside the Kotovaara Scots pine forests especially in the afternoon. It can be seen as typical banana - graph in the Smear measurements (corresponding previous day graph is seen in the web; the new graph is automatically loaded in the following morning).
The whole Sunday of late April was sunny, mild and cloudless throughout the day. It was a very good day for the formation of good aerosols. The event was on inside the Kotovaara Scots pine forests especially in the afternoon. It can be seen as typical banana - graph in the Smear measurements (corresponding previous day graph is seen in the web; the new graph is automatically loaded in the following morning).