Thursday, April 19, 2007
Fotosynteesin mittaus alkoi - Photosynthesis measurement is on
Kotovaaran Smear-asemalla käynnistettiin vuoden 2007 fotosynteesin mittaus, viikkoa aikaisemmin kuin edellisenä vuonna. Vaikka metsässä on lunta vielä 60-70 cm, lumesta puhdistuneet männyt sieppaavat runsaassa kevään valossa jo ilman hiilidioksidia. Lämpötila on 2-5 astetta nollan yläpuolella. Kuvan kyvetin taustalla näkyy Sauoiva (615 m).
Photosynthesis measurements of 2007 were initiated in Kotovaara Smear station, one week earlier than in 2006. Although there is a snow cover of 60-70 cm in the forest, the trees are free from snow. As there is plenty of spring light available and the temperature is above zero (typically 2-5 degrees), carbon dioxide capture in the cuvettes is already clearly measurable. The fell far behind the cuvette is Sauoiva (615 meters above sea level).
Photosynthesis measurements of 2007 were initiated in Kotovaara Smear station, one week earlier than in 2006. Although there is a snow cover of 60-70 cm in the forest, the trees are free from snow. As there is plenty of spring light available and the temperature is above zero (typically 2-5 degrees), carbon dioxide capture in the cuvettes is already clearly measurable. The fell far behind the cuvette is Sauoiva (615 meters above sea level).