Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Arvoitus Rakitsanvaarassa - Mystery on Rakitsa hill

Syksyistä Lapin metsää samoava voi törmätä tällaiseen arvoitukseen. Mikä merkillinen eläin on nyljetty maassa? Vai onko joku olio luonut nahkansa?

Syksyllä porot hankaavat nahkapäällysteisiä sarviaan puunrunkoja vasten, kelovat sarviaan. Nahkan riekaleet tippuvat maahan. - Kuva Rakitsanvaarasta.

In the autumn time the hiker in Lapland forests may find a mystery shown in the photo. What is it? Has a strange animal been skinned? Or has the animal just been moulting?

These are pieces of reindeer skin that covers the newly (in the spring and summer time) grwon horns. When the mating time is appraoching the reindeers scrub the skin against trees, and the horns get their winter color and shine. The droppings of horn skins are found near to the trees that the reindeers have used in the scrubbing. - Photo taken on Rakitsa hill.

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