Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Kemijärven metsäpalosavut - The forest fire smoke from Kemijärvi
Kemijärven metsäpaloista aiheutuvat savut ovat yltäneet jo Värriöönkin asti, eikä ihme. Kuvassa on tuuliruusu viimeisen kahden päivän ajalta; suurimmat palkit kuvaavat vallitsevia tuulensuuntia. Kemijärvi on tutkimusasemalta katsoen juuri siinä suunnassa, mistä on viime päivinä tuullut. Silmin savua ei kuitenkaan pysty erottamaan.
The smoke coming from forest fires at Kemijärvi has arrived - yet not surprisingly - Värriö area as well. The picture left is windrose from the past two days; the bigger the bar is, the more wind has blown from that direction. Kemijärvi is right in the same direction where wind has blown the last days. The smoke, however, is not visible. E-MK
The smoke coming from forest fires at Kemijärvi has arrived - yet not surprisingly - Värriö area as well. The picture left is windrose from the past two days; the bigger the bar is, the more wind has blown from that direction. Kemijärvi is right in the same direction where wind has blown the last days. The smoke, however, is not visible. E-MK