Monday, July 10, 2006
Tunturin tyyppikasveja - Reference plants in the fells, Lycopodium alpinum
Samoilla kasvupaikoilla tunturivihvilän kanssa kasvaa tunturilieko (Lycopodium alpinum). Myös sen levinneisyysalue Euroopan puolella noudattelee Fennoskandian tunturiselännettä ja Suomessa pohjoisinta Lappia.
Reference plants for fell ecosystem in Varrio: Alpine clubmoss (Lycopodium alpinum). Similarly to Three-leaved rush the distribution range of Alpine clubmoss in Europe follows the Fennoscandian mountain range. There is another center of distribution in Alaska. In Finland the Varrio range is just south of the most typical Alpine clubmoss land, but it is fairly common in the regio alpina of Varrio fells.
Reference plants for fell ecosystem in Varrio: Alpine clubmoss (Lycopodium alpinum). Similarly to Three-leaved rush the distribution range of Alpine clubmoss in Europe follows the Fennoscandian mountain range. There is another center of distribution in Alaska. In Finland the Varrio range is just south of the most typical Alpine clubmoss land, but it is fairly common in the regio alpina of Varrio fells.