Sunday, July 09, 2006
Tunturin tyyppikasveja - Reference plants in the fells, Juncus trifidus
Tunturin kasveja Värriössä: tunturivihvilä (Juncus trifidus) kukassa Värriö IV:llä. Tunturivihvilän levinneisyysalue noudattalee tyypillisimmillään Fennoskandian tunturiylänköä. Suomessa tunturivihvilän eteläisimpiä kasvupaikkoja on juuri Värriötunturin ylänkö.
Reference plants in Varrio fells: Three-leaved rush in flower in Varrio peak IV. The distribution range of Three-leaved rush is typically Fennoscandian following the mountain range through Sweden, Norway and Northern Finland to Kola peninsula. In Finland Varrio fells belong to the southernmost growing sites of this rush.
Reference plants in Varrio fells: Three-leaved rush in flower in Varrio peak IV. The distribution range of Three-leaved rush is typically Fennoscandian following the mountain range through Sweden, Norway and Northern Finland to Kola peninsula. In Finland Varrio fells belong to the southernmost growing sites of this rush.