Monday, June 19, 2006
Tunturilieko Värriö ykkösellä - Alpine clubmoss on Varrio one
Tunturilieko kuuluu keltaliekoihin (Diphrasiastrum). Niillä on pitkä maanmyötäinen varsi, josta kasvavat suomumaiset, talvivihannat lehdet. Tunturilieon (Diphrasiastrum alpinum) pystyversot kasvavat tiiviinä kimppuina, joissa haarat ovat sinivihreät.
Alpine clubmoss belongs to the genus Diphrasiastrum. These species have a long stem growing near to the ground. The leaves are evergreen. The upright stems grow as compact clusters, with blue-green colour.
Alpine clubmoss belongs to the genus Diphrasiastrum. These species have a long stem growing near to the ground. The leaves are evergreen. The upright stems grow as compact clusters, with blue-green colour.