Saturday, June 17, 2006
Riekonmarja kukkii - Alpine bearberry in flower
Kesävihanta riekonmarja puhkeaa ensin kukkaan ja vasta sitten lehteen. Itse kukka on vaatimaton vaalea ruukkumainen kello. Uudet lehdet nousevat edellisenä syksynä ruskan jälkeen lakastuneiden vanhojen lehtien seasta.
Alpine bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpinus) is deciduous. In the spring the flowering takes place first. Then the new leaves start to grow through the withered old leaves that gave the flamboyant carmine read color to the fells in the previous fall. The flower is small, clay or bell like, with a narrow mouth.
Alpine bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpinus) is deciduous. In the spring the flowering takes place first. Then the new leaves start to grow through the withered old leaves that gave the flamboyant carmine read color to the fells in the previous fall. The flower is small, clay or bell like, with a narrow mouth.