Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Porot laiduntavat kevätkoivua - Reindeers browsing springly birches
Keväällä, jäkäläkauden ja luppoajan jälkeen porojen valkuaisen tarve on suurimmillaan. Koivuista kelpaavat hiirenkorvat heti, kun niissä on jotakin syötävää. Kuvan poro laiduntaa Värriö ykkösen ja kakkosen välisessä laaksossa
In the spring, after having browsed mostly of lichens from under the snow, reindeers need desperately proteins. As soon as bud burst in mountain birches advances a little, reindeers start to eat the emerging leaves, or even the swollen buds. This reindeer browses in the valley between the fells Varrio one and two.
In the spring, after having browsed mostly of lichens from under the snow, reindeers need desperately proteins. As soon as bud burst in mountain birches advances a little, reindeers start to eat the emerging leaves, or even the swollen buds. This reindeer browses in the valley between the fells Varrio one and two.