Thursday, June 22, 2006
Lirolla poikaset Nuorttiahon lammella - Wood sandpiper has chicks at Nuorttiaho pond
Nuortinahon takana, pitkospuureitin eteläpuolella on pieni jänkä, jonka pohjoispäässä on lampi. Liro pesii säännöllisesti tällä lammella. Juhannuksen alla lirolla on jo poikaset jossakin jängällä. Sen huomaa liroemon hätäilevistä huudoista, jotka vetävät kulkijan huomion puoleensa. Itse poikasia pääsee jängällä harvoin näkemään.
The summer track to Varrio research station passes, just after crossing the Ylinuortti bridge, a small swampy pond. Wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola) nests annually by this pond or by the adjacent swamp, and its calls are regularly heard by the tracker. Wood sandpiper has chics before midsummer, which can be noticed by the behaviour of the nesting birds. It is very seldom when photographer can shoot at such a short distance.
The summer track to Varrio research station passes, just after crossing the Ylinuortti bridge, a small swampy pond. Wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola) nests annually by this pond or by the adjacent swamp, and its calls are regularly heard by the tracker. Wood sandpiper has chics before midsummer, which can be noticed by the behaviour of the nesting birds. It is very seldom when photographer can shoot at such a short distance.