Friday, June 02, 2006
Kapustarinnan maa - Land of Golden plover
Kapustarinnat (Pluvialis apricaria) ovat palanneet tunturiin - kun viimeiset lumet sulavat. Ville Vakkari kuuli niiden vienon huudon Värriö ykkösellä, kun pari päivää tunturissa maannut sankka sumu hälveni illan suussa. Illalla kuulimme kapustarinnan huudon kolme kertaa myös tutkimusaseman saunan (Kuutsjärven) terassille. Kuvassa kapustarinnan maata Värriö ykkösen laen luoteisosassa.
European golden plovers (Pluvialis apricaria) are back - as the last snows are vanishing. Ville Vakkari heard the gentle calls of golden plovers, when the dense fog of the previous days, had cleared up. In the evening we heard golden plover's call three times even to the terrace of the station's sauna, at Kuutsjärvi. The photo of the land of Golden plovers has been taken on the northwestern part of the top of Varrio one.
European golden plovers (Pluvialis apricaria) are back - as the last snows are vanishing. Ville Vakkari heard the gentle calls of golden plovers, when the dense fog of the previous days, had cleared up. In the evening we heard golden plover's call three times even to the terrace of the station's sauna, at Kuutsjärvi. The photo of the land of Golden plovers has been taken on the northwestern part of the top of Varrio one.