Sunday, April 23, 2006
Käpylinnut tutkimusaseman savupiipussa - Crossbills on the chimney of Varrio research station
Kevättalvella, kun hanget ovat paksuimmillaan, käpylinnut etsivät ruoansulatuksessa tarvitsemiaan hiekan siruja mistä vain löytävät, kuten Värriön tutkimusaseman savupiippuun muuratusta laastista. Erityisesti savupiipusta tuntuvat pitävän isokäpylinnut (Loxia putyopsittacus). Kuvassa kaksi koirasta.
In late winter, as the snow is at its thickest, crossbils are looking for sand pieces that they need for their digestion. As the exposed sand sites are very few, almost anything does, as the pieces of concrete from the chimney of the research station. In the photo (down in the corners) two Parrot crossbills (males, Loxia putyopsittacus).
In late winter, as the snow is at its thickest, crossbils are looking for sand pieces that they need for their digestion. As the exposed sand sites are very few, almost anything does, as the pieces of concrete from the chimney of the research station. In the photo (down in the corners) two Parrot crossbills (males, Loxia putyopsittacus).