Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Kevättie Värriöön - Spring track to Varrio Nature Reserve
Huhtikuun lopun metsässä lunta ja valoa on paljon. Värriön luonnonpuiston kuusikko on jo puhdistunut lumesta. Tutkimusasemalle kuljetaan moottokelkkauraa, joka on talven aikana painunut polanteeksi.
At the end of April the Varrio forest is full of snow and full of light. The snow has melted from the Norway spruce trees. The snow scooter track to the station has been packed hard by the regular traffic.
At the end of April the Varrio forest is full of snow and full of light. The snow has melted from the Norway spruce trees. The snow scooter track to the station has been packed hard by the regular traffic.