Sunday, February 26, 2006
Umpihankea Värriö kakkosella - Through soft snow in Varrio two
Helmikuun lopun hanki on vielä pehmeä, tuntureiden huippuja lukuunottamatta. Hiihtäminen onnistuu vain pitkillä metsäsuksilla. Kuva Värriö kakkosen itärinteeltä, taustalla Värriö kolmosen laki.
At the end of February the snow is still soft, except on the tops of the fells. Skiing is possible only with special long forest skiis. The photo has been taken on the eastern slope of Varrio two, towards Varrio III.
At the end of February the snow is still soft, except on the tops of the fells. Skiing is possible only with special long forest skiis. The photo has been taken on the eastern slope of Varrio two, towards Varrio III.