Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tykyn tuhoja SMEAR -metsässä - Snow damage in SMEAR forest
Tammikuun tykkykausi on katkonut nuoria mäntyjä kaikkialla Pohjois-Suomessa. SMEAR -mittausmetsässä Kotovaarassa tuhot jäivät vähäisiksi, vain kolme mäntyä on katkennut. Fotosynteesin mittaus voi jatkua lumien sulattua.
The heavy snow period in January has broken young Scots pines everywhere in Northern Finland. In the SMEAR research forest of Kotovaara hill the damage was low. Only three pines were totally broken in the stem. The photosynthesis monitoring may continue in the spring.
The heavy snow period in January has broken young Scots pines everywhere in Northern Finland. In the SMEAR research forest of Kotovaara hill the damage was low. Only three pines were totally broken in the stem. The photosynthesis monitoring may continue in the spring.