Monday, December 19, 2005
Talvitiellä Värriön tutkimusasemalle - On the winter track to Varrio Research Station
Talvisaikaan viimeiset 9 km Värriön tutkimusasemalle kuljetaan tavallisesti moottorikelkalla. Talvipolku kulkee soita pitkin; kuva Pitkäjängältä, taustalla Värriö I. Vertaa luontopäiväkirjan kuva 4.11.2005
In winter time the final 9 km to Varrio station are usually travelled by snow mobiles. Therefore the winter track goes through open mires; the phot is taken from Pitkajanka aapa mire, in the distance the peak of Varrio I is seen; compare with photo in the nature diary from 4 November 2005.
In winter time the final 9 km to Varrio station are usually travelled by snow mobiles. Therefore the winter track goes through open mires; the phot is taken from Pitkajanka aapa mire, in the distance the peak of Varrio I is seen; compare with photo in the nature diary from 4 November 2005.