Monday, December 12, 2005
Kynttiläkuusia kaamoksessa - Candle spruces in December light
Jo joulukuussa lumi alkaa kertyä painamaan kuusien oksia. Osaksi juuri pitkään kertyvän lumen painosta johtuen metsänrajan kuuset kasvavat kynttilän muotoisiksi. Osaksi muoto lienee myös geneettistä alkuperää. Kuvan kuuset kasvavat Rakitsan kurussa.
Already in December the snow starts to accumulate on the branches of the Norway spruces. Partly because of the heavy and longlasting snow burden the spruces on the timber line get their candle shape. Partly this habitus of the spruces has genetic origin. These spruces grow in Rakitsa valley, two kilometers south of the station.
Already in December the snow starts to accumulate on the branches of the Norway spruces. Partly because of the heavy and longlasting snow burden the spruces on the timber line get their candle shape. Partly this habitus of the spruces has genetic origin. These spruces grow in Rakitsa valley, two kilometers south of the station.