Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Värriön tutkimusasema marraskuussa - Varrio research station in November
Marraskuussa Värriön tutkimusaseman kenttätoiminta on hiljaisimmallaan: kesäopiskelijat ovat lähteneet, fotosynteesiin kyvettimittaus on pysäytetty talven ajaksi ja muu Smear-mittaus jatkuu automaattisena, hyönteisten valorysäpyynti on pysäytetty. Eläinten talvihavannoinnin aloitus odottaa lumipeitettä. Sulan maan aikana kerätyn aineiston analysointi ja tallennus ovat tämän kauden toimia.
In November the field activities of Varrio research station are at their minimum. Summertime students habe returned to their universities. Fotosynthesis (couvette) measurements have been ceased for winter time; the other Smear measurements are fully automatic. Light trap research of insects has been stopped in the coldening weather. The winter monitoring of animal tracks waits for snow cover. The research material that has been collected during thye growing season will be analyzed and input into computers during this period.
In November the field activities of Varrio research station are at their minimum. Summertime students habe returned to their universities. Fotosynthesis (couvette) measurements have been ceased for winter time; the other Smear measurements are fully automatic. Light trap research of insects has been stopped in the coldening weather. The winter monitoring of animal tracks waits for snow cover. The research material that has been collected during thye growing season will be analyzed and input into computers during this period.