Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Huurre syntyy lakimäntyyn - Frozen dew in Scots pine
Kun alijäähtyneet pilvet pyyhkivät pakkasella yli tunturin laen, jo vuorokaudessa harvakseltaan kasvaviin puihin syntyy paksu huurre. Tällaisessa säätilanteessa alijäähtynyttä vettä ei ole vielä riittävästi lumikiteiden syntymiseen. Alijäähtynyt vesi tiivistyy sen sijaan huurteeksi törmätessään tunturin laella sopivaan tiivistymisytimeen - lakimäntyyn. Kuva Värriö I:ltä luoteeseen.
When the supercool clouds sweep in minus temperatures over the fell top, a remarkable layer of frozen dew is formed onto the trees that are growing as scattered near to the top. In a weather situation like this there is not enough water and condensation nuclei in the air for formation of snow. Instead, upon colliding the tree top the supercool water in the clouds condenses into frozen dew, like in the case of Scots pine in the photo. The photo was taken on top of Varrio I fell, towards north-west.
When the supercool clouds sweep in minus temperatures over the fell top, a remarkable layer of frozen dew is formed onto the trees that are growing as scattered near to the top. In a weather situation like this there is not enough water and condensation nuclei in the air for formation of snow. Instead, upon colliding the tree top the supercool water in the clouds condenses into frozen dew, like in the case of Scots pine in the photo. The photo was taken on top of Varrio I fell, towards north-west.