Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Aljo kettu Värriössä - Tame fox in Varrio station
Värriön tutkimusaseman ympäristössä asustaa kesy kettu, jonka liikkeitä voi seurata lumien tultua. Lyhyen päivän aikana ruokaa etsivä kettu voi näyttäytyä jo iltapäivällä tutkimusaseman pihalla. Kuva otettu tutkimusaseman laboratoriohuoneen ikkunan läpi.
A tame fox (Vulpes vulpes) is living in the surroundings of Varrio research stations. The footprints in the snow tell about its movments. In short early winter days the hungry fox is looking for food for the long night and it can sometimes be seen in the late afternoon in the yard of the station. This photo has been taken through the Varrio laboratory window.
A tame fox (Vulpes vulpes) is living in the surroundings of Varrio research stations. The footprints in the snow tell about its movments. In short early winter days the hungry fox is looking for food for the long night and it can sometimes be seen in the late afternoon in the yard of the station. This photo has been taken through the Varrio laboratory window.