Friday, October 21, 2005
Pulkkatunturi ensilumessa - Pulkkatunturi fell in first sknow
Pulkkatunturin selänne on on Värriötuntureiden selänteen itäpuolella. Selänteiden välissä on Hirvasjoen vanhojen mäntymetsien laakso, jossa pääosa tehdään pääosa Värriön metsotutkimuksia. Kuva Kotovaarasta kaakkoon.
The eastern Pulkkatunturi is part of a chain of fells, parallel to chain of Varrio fells. The valley of Hirvas river is between the two chains of fells. The valley growing old Scots pine forests, that are home to capercaillies. Monitoring of annual movements of capercaillies is part of Varrio bird research.
The eastern Pulkkatunturi is part of a chain of fells, parallel to chain of Varrio fells. The valley of Hirvas river is between the two chains of fells. The valley growing old Scots pine forests, that are home to capercaillies. Monitoring of annual movements of capercaillies is part of Varrio bird research.