Friday, October 28, 2005
Metsänrajamänty Värriötunturissa - Timber line pine in Varrio
Männyt valtaavat vähitellen Värriötuntureita; metsänraja nousee ilmaston muutoksen myötä. Kuvassa terve, aikaisempien talvien tykkylumista selvinnyt, verraten hyväkasvuinen mänty varsinaisen puurajan yläpuolella, Värriö I:n lounaisrinteessä.
Scots pines are are conquering the fell tops, as an apparent result of climate change. The photo is from south-western slope of Varrio I. The seemingly healthy and relatively vigorous Scots pine is growing above the timber line proper, in the zone of heavy frost snow burden.
Scots pines are are conquering the fell tops, as an apparent result of climate change. The photo is from south-western slope of Varrio I. The seemingly healthy and relatively vigorous Scots pine is growing above the timber line proper, in the zone of heavy frost snow burden.