Thursday, October 06, 2005
Maaruskasta vain rippeet jäljellä - Autumn colors have gone
Jos Värriön maaruska oli täydessä loistossaan syyskuun lopussa (ks. luontopäiväkirja 30.9.2005), viikkoa myöhemmin siitä on vain rippeet jäljellä. Väliin mahtuu vesisade ja kova tuuli, ei sen sijaan varsinaista hallaa. Mustikan kaljut varret ovat valmiit talveen ja lumeen.
If the the Varrio autumn colours were in their full splendor (see the Nature Diary note of 30.9.2005), just one week later the colors have gone. In between, there was rain and strong wind but no real ground frost. The bare stalks of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) are ready for winter and snow.
If the the Varrio autumn colours were in their full splendor (see the Nature Diary note of 30.9.2005), just one week later the colors have gone. In between, there was rain and strong wind but no real ground frost. The bare stalks of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) are ready for winter and snow.