Monday, October 03, 2005
Järripeipon pesä ruskassa - Nest of Brambling in autumn colors
Järripeippo (Fringilla montifringilla) on Värriön tunturikoivuvyöhykkeen yleisin kesälintu. Se pesii koivussa, mutta koivun ollessa lehdessä pesiä on vaikea havaita. Sen sijaan jo lehdettömäksi jääneestä koivusta edelliskesän pesä näkyy hyvin, maaruskaa vasten.
In birch dominated regio subalpina of the Varrio fells, Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla) is the most common bird species in summer. Its nest is in birch, but while the birch is in full summer leaf the nest is not that easy to find. After the leaves have fallen from the tree, the nest of the previous summer is well seen, against the autumn colors in the ground.
In birch dominated regio subalpina of the Varrio fells, Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla) is the most common bird species in summer. Its nest is in birch, but while the birch is in full summer leaf the nest is not that easy to find. After the leaves have fallen from the tree, the nest of the previous summer is well seen, against the autumn colors in the ground.