Thursday, September 22, 2005
Räkättirastaiden outo muuttosuunta - Strange flying direction of Fieldfares
Värriön tutkimusaseman yli on lentänyt syyskuun aikana useita pienparvia räkättirastaita (Turdus pilaris), joiden lentosuunta on kaakosta luoteeseen. Näin oli myös syksyllä 2004. Mistä ne tulevat? Venäjän puolelta? Minne ne menevät? Luoteis-Norjan rannikolle?
Small groups of Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris) have flown in September over the Varrio research station, with the flying direction from southeast to northwest. This was oberserved in 2004, too. Where do they come from? from Russia? Where do they go to? To northwest coast of Norway?
Small groups of Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris) have flown in September over the Varrio research station, with the flying direction from southeast to northwest. This was oberserved in 2004, too. Where do they come from? from Russia? Where do they go to? To northwest coast of Norway?