Thursday, September 01, 2005
Ampuhaukka Värriö III:lla - Merlin in Varrio III
Ampuhaukka (Falco columbarius) liiteli syysauringossa Värriö III:n itälaitaa ja istuutui kuvattavaksi tunturikoivuun. Verraten harvoin tavattava ampuhaukka on silti Värriön jalohaukoista yleisin. Pesäpoikasten ja emon äänihavaintojen perusteella se pesi kesällä 2005 Kuntaskurussa.
Merlin (Falco columbarius) flew in the autumn sun along the eastern edge of Varrio III and sat down in Mountain birch for photographing. Merlin is seen rather seldom but still it is the most common of the falcons (Faconidae) in Varrio nature reserve. Based on hearing observation (chicks and female) it had a nest in Kuntaskuru canyon in the summer 2005.
Merlin (Falco columbarius) flew in the autumn sun along the eastern edge of Varrio III and sat down in Mountain birch for photographing. Merlin is seen rather seldom but still it is the most common of the falcons (Faconidae) in Varrio nature reserve. Based on hearing observation (chicks and female) it had a nest in Kuntaskuru canyon in the summer 2005.