Saturday, August 27, 2005
Missä kasvaa Suomen eteläisin hapro? - Where grows Finland's most southern Mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna)?
Syväkurun varjoisessa rotkossa kasvaa pohjoinen tunturikasvi hapro (Oxyria digyna). Raparperin sukulaisen hapron lehdet maistuvat kirpeän raikkailta. Pohjois-Sallan kurujen lumenviipymäpaikoilla kasvaa useita pohjoisia lajeja levinneisyysalueensa eteläreunallaan. Onko Syväkurun haproesiintymä Suomen eteläisin?
In the shadowy galleys of Deepcreek grows a northern fellspecies Mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna). Mountain sorrel is relative to rhurarb and its leaves taste sour and fresh. In the creeks where snow stays long until summer grows few northern species at the southernmost boarders of their distribution area. Are these Mountain sorrels in Deepcreek the most southern in Finland? (PM, E-MK)
photo:Ella-Maria Kyrö
In the shadowy galleys of Deepcreek grows a northern fellspecies Mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna). Mountain sorrel is relative to rhurarb and its leaves taste sour and fresh. In the creeks where snow stays long until summer grows few northern species at the southernmost boarders of their distribution area. Are these Mountain sorrels in Deepcreek the most southern in Finland? (PM, E-MK)
photo:Ella-Maria Kyrö