Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Maakotka Rakitsan vaarassa - Golden eagle above Rakitsa hill
Maakotka (Aquila chrysaetos) kaarteli Rakitsan vaaran yläpuolella puolen päivän aikaan ja jatkoi Sauoivan suuntaan. Vaikka maakotkan kanta on Itä-Lapissa nykyään melko vakaa, se ei pesi Värriön luonnonpuiston alueella, eikä sitä useinkaan tapaa alueen yllä.
Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) flew over Rakitsa hill at noon and continued towards Sauoiva fell. The population of Golden eagles is rather stabile in Eastern Lapland. For some reason it is not nesting in Varrio nature reserve, and neither is often seen in the sky.
Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) flew over Rakitsa hill at noon and continued towards Sauoiva fell. The population of Golden eagles is rather stabile in Eastern Lapland. For some reason it is not nesting in Varrio nature reserve, and neither is often seen in the sky.